Asked: November 15, 2024In: Doubt
I want to check if this person processing my admission is fake
Watch adds and videos simple tasks
Poll Results
66.67%Is it a scam? ( 2 voters )
33.33%Is it legit? ( 1 voter )
Based On 3 Votes
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What does DJI Gha App works?
Phone number from Nigeria helo sir you where asked to pay 4000 to get your profit now pay 2000 I will assist you with 2000 so that you can get your profit and then you will pay me back later ...
Asked: November 15, 2024In: General question
Just want to know if it has paid on most occasions or it’s scam
Asked: November 7, 2024In: Investment Scam
Poll Results
20% ( 1 voter )
80%52U COMMUNITY legit or scam? ( 4 voters )
Based On 5 Votes
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Asked: November 9, 2024In: Loan Scam
Brisbane located charity called GoodShepherd Australia claims to help as charity with loans, advise, etc is this a scam
Asked: November 7, 2024In: Investment Scam
Poll Results
0% ( 0 voters )
100% ( 1 voter )
Based On 1 Vote
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That is very much true
That is very much true
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