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Be a voice against the Locanto scams

How to protect yourself from Locanto scams and avoid being a victim, it’s a common question.

When a cat eats, it also consumes the food you bought, but this action doesn’t cause you any significant harm. Individuals suffer losses when scammers employ comprehensive strategies and deception to swindle lakhs of crores. According to Latest surveys, scammers have targeted 20,000+ victims within 2023 year, it is estimated that people hav elost 10+ crores Rs. Scams generally begins with Targeting individual through clicking on a new message which indicates a well-known company’s involvement to gain Trust.

These scams can happen in any of the fields, such as jobs, money, materials, and more. However, these days, we constantly hear about the Locanto Scams, and they have been increasing day by day along with the technology boom. So, in this article, we will discuss about this scam and explore ways to prevent losing money to it.

What is Locanto Scam?

Scammer comes up with new new ideas to steal your money from your pocket.
So it becomes important to stay updated about Locanto Scams. Locanto is a Classified Platform, So what so ever fradulent Activities occur on locanto platform, all considered as Locanto Scams. These scammers create fake services or products and list them on locanto to convince people into giving them money.

They try to impress users with unique conversations, advertisements, and offers, and one they receive the payment, they get disappear without delivering the promised goods or service. To avoid falling victim, users should take precautionary steps like verify listings, double-check advertisements, and refrain from making advance payments. It’s always advisable, before making any payment on platforms like Locanto, you must meet sellers in person  to prevent falling into scam.

Here are some types of Locanto scams. Read them to protect yourself from these scams.

  • Fake Product/Service Listings: 

    Scammers usually create fake listings for products or services which they don’t have intention to deliver. They offer Very attractive deals to Attract users into making upfront payments like Offering Very Low price and give a reason which seems like genuine (I am leaving for abroad next week,so I hav hurry in selling my bike. That’s why I am selling my bike in less price), but once users make the payment, that scammer will disappear and Block all commuication with you.

  • Rental Scams:

    Scammers list fake rental properties on locanto at very impressive They  askvictims for a  upfront deposit or advance rent payment, once they receive the payment scammer get disappear, leaving renters without a place to stay.

  • Job Scams:

    one of the most famous locanto scams is job scam. Scammers post fraudulent job ads promising very high profile positions or work-from-home opportunities (Easy money making opportunity). They ask victims for upfront fees for fake background checks or providing training materials. Once scammers gets the fees amount, they block the victim.

  • Phishing Scams:

    Phishing scam is a dangerous in all aspects from leaking your personal info to hacking your bank accounts. Scammers send messages or emails to users and pretend like to be legitimate Locanto representatives. They ask users to provide personal or financial information for verification, then use this information for identity theft and other fraudulent activities.

  • Counterfeit Goods:

    Scammers sell counterfeit products on locanto, claiming that they will deliver genuine Products. But after making a payment Buyers receive low-quality or fake items.

  • Escrow Scams:

    Scammersconvince victims to deposit money into a fraudulent escrow account  suggest using an escrow service to make transactions appear secure. Once they receive the payment then disappear with the funds.

  • Romance Scams:

    Scammers create fake profiles of girls and establish relationships with users pretending like real one. They gain trust and eventually ask for money for various reasons. It has observed in some cases, they have scammed person in lacs.

  • Investment Scams:

    Scammers offer investment opportunities to users with giving fake promises of high returns. Victims get convinced to invest money into such fake income opportunities, but the End up with Loosing Money.
  • Tech Support Scams:

    Scammers Pretend as tech support representatives and claim to help with non-existent computer problems of user. It’s a very growing scam and highly target Us,Uk, canada people. They will request remote access to the victim’s device or ask charges for unnecessary services which was not even delivered by them.

  • Charity Scams:

    creating fake charity listings on locanto often in response to disasters or emergencies, it is one of the trending strategy used by scammers. These are those donations that never go to a legitimate cause.

  • Loan Scams:

    Scammers offer loans with attractive terms on locanto but ask for upfront fees or personal information before providing the loan to the user. Victims lose money which they paid as upfront fees and never receive the loan.

  • Ticket Scams:

    Scammers sell fake event tickets on locanto and promises users an entry to concerts, shows, or sports events. Scammers provide fake tickets to the buyer after making payment. 

Locanto scams have increased widely. Once they decide to scam, they have various methods to execute it. You need to be careful while making payments, whether offline or online.

You can fine many complaints Related to this here.

How to avoid being scammed?

We know scamming has reached its peak. The ultimate aim of scammers is to either steal your identity or your money. It is essential to understand how to protect yourself from being scammed.

  1. Restrict unknown emails: we will receive at least 20 to 25 emails per day. It will include emails regarding advertisements, jobs, shopping, and more. But you should ensure not to open emails that come from unknown people. If you open also, wait to click any links given in the mail until you are sure that is safe.
  • Secure personal information: in websites, apps, emails, calls, etc., where ever you share your personal information, check twice. Ensure that the platform where you provide your personal information, like account number, date of birth, address, passwords, security number, etc is safe and protected.
  • Be updated with cyber threats: have contact with CISA. They can provide you with alerts about the latest scams. 
  • Use strong passwords: whenever creating passwords ensure to create strong passwords. The password should include capital and small alphabets, numbers, symbols, etc. Strong passwords will be difficult to hack by scammers and will be beneficial for you.
  • Use preventative software: use software like firewalls, email filter antivirus services for protection.

Always ensuring the platform you use is safe is essential. You need to check twice or thrice before providing details or transferring money. Use protection alerts and keep them up to date.

What steps do you need to do if you are already scammed?

If you are scammed by scammers, what must be the next step? First, don’t be afraid; face the situation confidently. Calm your mind and do the following.

  1. Stop contacting the scammers: once you find that you have been scammed, furthermore don’t reply to messages, calls, emails, or letters the scammers sent. Stop making further payments. Also, don’t fall into the trap of other scammers stating that they can help you to recover the money.
  • Secure your finances: potentially report the bank to the respective financial institution. They may help you by restricting fraudulent transactions.
  • Check your computer: if your computers are scammed, ensure that the antivirus is running and up to date. Seek the help of companies to safeguard your computers from locanto scams.  
  • Change your information: after finding that you are being scammed, ensure to change the passwords of your bank account and other devices. Also, while changing the password, create a strong password that is totally different from the old one.
  • Report the locanto scams: it is challenging to find all the scammers by the authorities. If you are scammed and have reported it, with the information, the authorities can stop the scammers. It will be helpful for others to be cheated. Based on the nature of the scam, you can report it to different authorities. They will take the necessary steps and stop their scamming activity.

Conclusion :-

Locanto scams are broader. It is our responsibility to be aware of the scams they do. Do not look at any information from unknown persons or addresses as much as possible. Once scammed, report them, and take the next step confidently. Report them to the authorities, who will stop and protect others from scammers. A single step can vanish all the locanto scams.

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