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Top Scams of 2024: Protecting Yourself From Latest Scams


What are the Top Scams and trending types of digital scams in 2024? As per a recent survey, about 6,25,71,348 cases have been reported in 2024. There is an air of scams and fraud all around the digital landscape. Therefore, it is very important to stay active and vigilant to protect your personal information and financial security. Verify Scams Platform is dedicated to tackling scams and making a safe digital environment for people. 

In this article, we will inform you about scams and online security and suggest how to avoid them.

1 : AI-Powered Scams

AI-Powered Scams

Al-powered scams are a trend, and a number of people are victims of them. No doubt Al is the best intention, but Nowadays, not only is AL content very impressive and effective, but also dangerous. It exposes users to a wide variety of potential risks and scammers.

Al-powered scams are more dangerous as they can make you fool in seconds. They use sophisticated algorithms and adopt good fraudulent behavior. 

For example, in 2024, People are creating AI-generated scamming emails and texts, which make the communication, seem genuine and sophisticated. Thus, consumers become unable to differentiate between scams and original emails.

Moreover, AI is now making videos featuring Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities in which they promote scams. In this way, they make many people fall into investment scams. AI can also emotionally blackmail you. Scammers can also use AI to invade privacy and leak personal information. You can use our Verify Scams website and App to cross-check Whether the person you are dealing with, is a scammer or not.

2: Phone Scams

Phone Scams

Phone scams are on top in the world of online deception. The scammers try to trick people into getting their personal information via phone calls. We all receive calls from random numbers daily, so we should know about such scams.

Here are a few types of phone scams such as

  • Impersonation calls

The most common way to scam people is by pretending to be authoritative figures like government officials, law enforcement, or utility providers to find out your personal information.

  • Caller ID spoofing 

In this case, scammers show them as trusted sources so that people answer their calls.

  • Fake pizza or sweepstakes calls

In this, scammers inform people that they have won some pizza or other things, but to avail of this, they will have some questions that will leak their data or cause them to pay a fee upfront.

You can use our Scam Reported Phone Number Checker Tool on the Verify Scams Website.

3: Cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency scams are still a big problem, even though the hype around cryptocurrencies has slowed down. However, scammers use sneaky tactics to trick people who are interested in digital currencies. Many cryptocurrency scams have been reported in recent years. So, to stay safe, it’s essential to be careful and make smart choices.

Here are some common scams to watch out for in 2024

  • Fake Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

Scammers introduce new cryptocurrencies and promise investors big profits, but they’re just trying to steal money. Sometime after launching a new cryptocurrency, they steal your money and disappear.

 Scammers use fake websites and emails to get people to give away their cryptocurrency passwords or private keys.

  • Ponzi Schemes

Ponzi scams are the most common scam nowadays. In this type of scam, usually, Scammers promise guaranteed profits. But they just use money from new investors to pay off older ones until the whole thing falls apart.

  • Fake Exchanges

Scammers set up fake cryptocurrency exchange websites to trick people into depositing money that they never get back.

  • Fake Wallets and Apps

There are some apps and wallets that pretend to be real, but actually, such apps steal your cryptocurrency.

  • Tech support scams

In this scam, scammers try to be from support help, telling people they have any issue with their device, for which they will have to make payment.

4: Text Scams

Text Scams

Text scams are becoming more and more day by day. In this scam, scammers send text messages to make people fall for fraudulent schemes.

  • Smishing

In this, scammers pretend to be legitimate entities like banks or government agencies to get sensitive information about people like atm passcodes, bank account no, etc. They ask you for information in a professional way, but always check the official number before sharing information. Tell them you will visit the bank to provide all your personal information.

  • Pharming

In this case, they send you text that redirects you to scamming websites, get your financial details, etc. Such text contains links that directly redirect you to the scammers’ desired location.

  • Subscription scams

Scammers send messages to victims claiming they have subscribed to any offer; if they don’t opt out, this will lead them to financial losses

  • Fake charity scams

They send fake charity messages to make people fall prey to their scams.

To Avoid Text Message Scams You can use our Scam Messager Checker Tool to verify scam messages. This tool is available on our Verify Scams Website. 

5: Phishing scam

Phishing scam

The phishing scam includes following types of scams such as

  • Email spoofing

Scammers make sure that the message appears real, involving any trusted person or institution to gain people’s trust.

  • Fraudulent links

Phishing emails have links in them which redirect the users to fraudulent websites to get access to their personal information

  • Impersonation

Sometimes, scammers scam you by pretending to be your colleagues or friends or a false urgency to take immediate steps.

6: Romance scam

Romance scam

Nowadays, in the digital world, romance scams are gaining popularity. These scams break the trust of people seeking online love. One of these is “pig butchering “scams in which scammers drain victims emotionally and financially. One sign to know the romance scammers is that they will include “premature romantics.” These scammers will rush into emotions too quickly. They will also ask you for financial favors.

7: Employment scam

Verify scams

In 2024, as people search for real jobs, they’ll have to watch out for job scams that try to trick them. These scams target people who are looking for work and want to do it from home. Here are some common tricks scammers use:

  • Fake Job Offers

 Scammers pretend to be real employers and offer jobs that sound great, promising you can make a lot of money with little effort. This is one of the most Trending ways of Employment Scams.

  • Paying for Equipment

 Scammers might ask you to pay for equipment or training before you start working. But once you pay, the job never happens.

  • Asking for Personal Information

Scammers might ask for your info, pretending it’s for paperwork. But really, they’re trying to steal your identity.

  • Overpayment Scams

Scammers might send you a fake check or payment and then ask you to return some of it. But when the original payment bounces, you owe the whole amount.

  • Money Mule Scams

Some scammers might try to get you to help them move illegal money around, which could get you in big trouble. To stay safe from job scams, be careful with job offers you didn’t ask for, research companies before you agree to anything, don’t pay upfront for anything, and be wary of job offers that promise a ton of money for very little work/

8: Shopping scam

Shopping scam

In 2024, when you shop online, watch out for tricky schemes that want more than just your payment info. Here’s what to be careful of:

  • Fake Online Stores

Scammers make fake websites that look real, hoping you won’t realize until it’s too late.

  • Phishing Emails

Emails that promise amazing deals might be trying to trick you into giving away personal info. Be careful what you click.

  • Deals That Are Too Good

Not every bargain is real. Some are just traps waiting to catch you.

  • Fake Products

Sometimes, what you order online isn’t what you get. It’s a hassle to get your money back.

  • Social Media Scams

Be careful of ads on social media, like Facebook Marketplace. Some of them promise great stuff but turn out to be fake.

When you shop online, keep a sharp eye out, double-check what’s in your cart, and remember that not every click leads to a good deal; some leads to trouble.

Its Important To verify Fake Websites. you can use our scam website checker to check those websites that are already Marked As scams. This tool is free and available on our Verify scams Website.

9: Investment scam

Investment scam

One of the big digital scams of 2024 is investment scam. In this scam, someone online offers to help you invest and make much money very soon. They may claim that you won’t lose any money and that it’s a definite thing. But the reality would be different; they just try to get your money. They might invest your money in something risky without telling you, or they might just take it and run. You should always be careful if someone offers you huge returns with little risk.

10: Lottery Scams

Verify scams - Lottery Scams

In a lottery scam, You get a message or email claiming that you’ve won a sizable sum of money in a lottery. They will ask your questions. One of the biggest issues is that they’ll need personal information or a charge payment to claim your prize. The problem is that there isn’t a real prize. It’s all a ruse to make off with your money or your identity. Remember that you didn’t win a contest if you didn’t enter.


In the big online world where we shop, sneaky scams are everywhere. When we look for deals and browse the web, we need to remember that scams are like unwanted guests crashing our online fun. They pretend to offer great stuff, hide in our emails, and trick us with tempting deals. So, be smart as you surf the internet. Trust carefully and double-check everything. Click with caution and look closely.

In this online world, being smart isn’t just a skill; it’s your best defense against the sneaky scams that target shoppers. Stay sharp, stay safe, and may your clicks always lead to real treasures.

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